Intuitive Readings Guided Through Earth Wisdom

Grounded in Native American Tradition, Kathy offers messages and insight she receives from the animal spirits and elements in nature. The world speaks to her through animal oracle cards, rune stones, clairvoyance and clairaudience. She shares guidance and messages with you from animals, number patterns, words spoken, earth elements and physical sensations both you and she are experiencing.

Clarity. Vision. Peace.

What You Might See In Your Intuitive Reading

The Whale

Do you find yourself drawn to writing? Do you journal, do you have a need to write down your ancestry, history or express yourself in a journal? Pay attention if the Whale has shown up in your life, whether live or in symbols. The Whale sends a message of, "Its time to record!"

The Swan

The Swan is a favorite of Kathy's animal spirit messages, because it represents one of my favorite words and states of being; “Grace”. When Swans appear in your reading or your life, perhaps the message is to show a situation grace or to show some grace for yourself.

The Hawk

Do you ever wonder if you imagined a message or possibly heard something no one else heard? Pay attention if your friend the Hawk is circling nearby and hoping you are noticing the messages the Universe is sending to you each moment of each day.

The Horse

Horse symbolizes power. Kathy was personally frightened of horses most of her life until she decided to step into her power, which is what the Horse is a symbol of one's personal power.

When You Ask, The Spirit in Everything Answers

Each animal, each speck of the land, every rock, bird, flower and many people that cross your path has a message for you. When you ask for an intuitive reading, Kathy will connect you to that communication which is present within nature, within the people and situations you encounter in life. When you open you heart to guidance, Kathy will share the wisdom that speaks through her to you.

"Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work it's way into your consciousness".

Carolyn Myss

Kathy is a phenomenal human being. After my life was devastated by an enormous loss, her wisdom helped me carry a vision forward for my future that was about real transformation and healing. She brought deep meaning, hope and clarity to my path that I could not have even fathomed at that point in my life. Her guidance was and still is an illuminating support to me every day.

Kris Hazen

"Take your hands off the steering wheel".

Gary Zukav